Telehealth sessions



Our Adelaide-based psychologists provide secure and confidential psychology services via telehealth. Repeated studies have demonstrated that telehealth sessions are as effective as the same therapy delivered face-to-face.


Telehealth allows you to access psychology sessions using your phone or computer from the comfort of your home or office, wherever you live.  


You can also access a combination of face-to-face and telehealth sessions depending on what suits you best.


Adelaide Anxiety & Phobia Clinic recognises that accessing psychology services can be difficult in rural communities. We are committed to providing quality treatment to people living in rural South Australia via telehealth.   


To book a telehealth appointment you can contact us by phone (8379 6289) or via our Book Now button  


The telehealth session is an end to end encrypted connection between your psychologist's computer and your device. The system is fully compliant for health care use.  Each client has a unique link that will be sent to you prior to your first telehealth session.  


Please ensure your session occurs in a private and quiet space.


With a GP Mental Health Treatment Plan you can access a Medicare rebate for your telehealth sessions.